anon summary where we are now
always game theory, every move based upon a quickly changing board.
think chess but on a board that is 100 x 100, where players do not alternate turns, but sorta move until they meet resistance or mistakenly, perhaps as a sacrifical diversion go onto a tile that they can be captured.
my jewish fren who for 30 years has studied the cabal, occultism and zionism, well before anyone else I know, called me for a update. he is a Q fan and has different exposure so we share angles.
Durham- me thinks Barr is in control of Durham and Potus is keeping out of day to day details, but is on the same page in using the investigation timing for leverage. Most important for Barr is the integrity of our legal system, and next the agencies, and preventing a liberal/communist takeover that is designed to destroy the role of the judiciary. From day 1 the SC was a Barr focus. Timing ACB with a delay of Durham and a Durham release re. Daniel Jones kept things in check. Bennett interview, as well as a Brennan interview late in the process was likely for a calculated reason, we all know what they did, no surprised. Potus gains little from having Durham come out pre-election, except as being realized as legit via 11.3 indictment.
Pre Election mission accomplished.
ACB- Huge to defend against communism long term and short term fraud w/election and investigations and general judicial activism of leftist jurors. Many Trump cards played to ensure a smooth confirmation. DiFi, Schumer checked as well as the DNC lawfirms, Brookings, CFR etal. conspiring to manufacture chaos somehow avoided, not by itself but by Potus, Barr and likely MP with foreign affairs, and a noble Ratcliffe standing by.
BLM/Antifa- Contained? Seems like they are waiting for election chaos, but it seems the DNC comms are being disrupted, they can't get people to show even for BHO. This is important because they rely on the echo chamber and the fallacy that they have public support, they are failing and patriots likely have taken down their comms.
HB- Leverage for equality and fairness w/ACB and election. Releasing enough to have predicate for DNI, DIA and MIL to act/monitor via NSA, right at election time, in a overt capacity which can help introduce higher level NatSec surveil which has been underway since Potus inauguration.
FBI Counter Terrorism multiagency task force+ Barr deputizing NG, (MIL Intel+SF ) under US Marshals (No War). Working with Treasury to map insurgent network Ops and Financing. All tools deployed to find money laundering (Clean) through Digital Currency and Banking System (Swift).
Election- In 2016 at their height of power and when they had the keys to the Kingdom, Patriots prevented fraud and delegate recount scam from being successful. Remember this Point.
Going against Big Pharma- Potus would not have done it yet unless he was comfy, he attacked their number one industry and took out the middle distributor scam, their legal black market.
Things are looking Good!
We may have negotiated a delay but gave nothing up, everything now is for a smooth maintenance of power which will involve appeasing Dem congress to a degree. We have it all and can use it now, we have public support and should handfle any resistance.
Post Election- ending C19 scam, Exposing and defeating Globalist plans. Moving ahead w/Durham and controlling Congress to act fairly.