Antifa lunatic loses his mind after NYPD officer says “Trump 2020”
Absolute Fucking Chad!
>SAR2 is much more contagious than influenza. With the social distancing measures meant to stop the coronavirus, the poor flu didn't stand a chance.
>This doesn't mean that flu cases at a normal level are being misidentified as coronavirus by fraudulent tests. It just means that people who already had one foot in that gave are getting their push from something else. Most of the 200k+ people who died from with COVID-19 are people who otherwise would have died from the flu.
Whatever floats your boat cupcake.
>And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Coach hustled his team back out to stand for the anthem!
You hanging around the Sunday Market?
Muzzies were Christian before Jewish trickery pushed them towards heresy.
Guilty as charged.
>like the media knows they have been able to successfully rig the game here.
It has always been thus.