Ever Since Trump Ran for President, We have had, fake…
Fake Accusations (Rasist,Pee tape, Russian Spy,…)
Fake Polls (Hillary 93%)
Fake News (MSDNC 24/7/365)
Fake Russian Hackers (Guccifer 2.0, Not SR)
Fake Dossier (Steele, Fusion GPS, Crowdstrike…)
Fake FBI Intelligence Briefing (Comey Transition Meeting)
Fake Peaceful Transfer of Power (Said Hussein)
Fake Flynn News Leak (WP, Flynn Not Under Investigation)
Fake FBI Friendly Flynn Meeting (Frame job/Setup)
Fake Admissible Evidence (Altered/Missing 302's)
Fake Special Council Investigation (Russian Collusion/2yr+ Blockade)
Fake Bombs (Florida Indian Mail Bombs)
Fake Hate Crimes (Smollet/Wallace)
Fake Whistle Blowers (Ciaramella/Vindman)
Fake Indictments (Ham Sandwich/Russian Companies in Absentia)
Fake Reports (Schiff counter Nunez)
Fake Impeachment (Quid Pro Quo)
Fake Claims of Russian Bots on Social Media (When Normal Person Comments)
Fake Pandemic (Covid19)
Fake Positive Tests (Goat/Pawpaw Fruit/Sheep/Bird in Tanzania)
Fake Peaceful Protests (Riots/Attack Motorists/Burn Federal Court/Destroy Cities)
Fake Absentee Ballots (Unsolicited/Dead People/Chinese Embassy Printers)
Fake Terrorists (Qanon, Proud Boys)
Fake Economic Collapse (Dem Govs Banning Businesses/Churches/Schools)
Fake Peaceful Anti-Racism/Anti-Fascism Groups (BLM,Antifa)
Fake Sex Crimes (Rudy/Borat Set-up, kavanaugh)
Fake Medicine (Safe Vaccines, Masks, Remdesiver)
Fake Experts (Non-Doctor, Doctors: Gates, Tedros)
Fake Everything:Did I miss anything?