I'm concerned about L.A.'s voting system. I just voted in person. They did not insist that I turn in my mail-in ballot. When I checked in, the pollworker said, "I just voided your mail-in ballot in the system." I was still holding it. When I went back to the official table after voting, I handed in my mail-in ballot and asked that it be voided. The pollworker said, "You can go now. I'll take care of this." I had to stand there and insist that my ballot be completely voided.
I've worked L.A. elections before. To my knowledge, pollworkers are all hired directly. They called me to work this election, but I wanted nothing to do with it. Last election, I had to deal with an inspector who was trying to take shortcuts with the process. I begged a coordinator to stay and watch the closing process so that she could see where the real problem was, if there was one. And there was.
Someone posted a list of alternate links for quite a few banned websites today. I got some new ones in the process. I can now leave YouTube and hardly miss it. I'm now subscribed to enough channels on an alternate video site that they'll keep me busy. Joke's on them.
>See >>11250880 (pb)
I don't have a problem with them advertising. They do need to recruit. Georgia's ad looked good. They wanted people who were not associated with a political movement.
We don't need Q to answer that one. All their dirty laundry is getting aired. So obvious.
"GOP Senate Candidate Lauren Witzke Alleges That Images of Chris Coons’ DAUGHTER are on Hunter Biden’s Laptop"
She claimed this came from the Delaware police who received the laptop. Maybe one of them will post something here?