Bread is running smooth and drama-free, so can't have that at all amirite?
>weird pattern of accepting a bread and handing off immediately.
Yes, that is odd behavior especially if not announced ahead of time as in I can do one since we don't have anyone.
>what happened to Bakers baking for 12 hours straight?
I've seen plenty of those sits where Baker would start by saying I can handy after 3 or so and then having nobody say anything so Baker continues on.
Then after 12 hours someone says I can bakerer and Baker says TY yes sounds good.
It's such a case-by-case basis, Anon.
kek we need moar eyes on so please don't NYS
Anyways, observe and document - the biggest issue is Anons observing things and then remaining silent when the narratives start.
Just the facts goes a long way when slides start.
MAGA is yuge.
QR (the active board segment) is tiny compared to the parent.
Your argument simply does not compute.
>Biden has been staying home for a while now
kek there was a certain well duh factor to that announcement, huh?