Am I missing some major piece of the puzzle? I can think of so many things I could dig deeper into that maybe I should just ask the cosmos on this one.
A. Stepfather Colin Africa Roads?
B. Alan Dershowitz Farm ?
C. Susan Marie and Brownfields
D. Louise and UFO's
E. My Mother's side
F. the "L's"
G. Watkins and Farms
H. Brownstones camera operations
I. Scott Pruitt's history with Obama
J. Previous E.P.A./D.O.E. Directors
K. CSU and World War 2
L. ADT linking to CSU
M. My strange finally conquered addiction
N. Wham City Comedy
O. Leather shoes/Wallet/Sheep
P. Eggs
R. Karate photos
S. Myself and the Cult in general
T. Stripes Blue Stripes Red
U. Owls and Snakes
V. Alan Wake
W. Alan Tutorial
X. Wal-mart
Y. Arvest
Z. Other Aliens
I could come up with more but I'll get back to tweeting cause it boggles the mind how much we have to teach folks. Just to get them where I am is going to take months. Well, I'm up to the challenge : )