You can probably find the pictures somewhere here:
But I wouldn't bother, it's very likely her, given Hunter's own admission to Joe that he creates an unsafe environment for the kids, and comments made by Lude, Chanel, Rudy, and Kerik. If it is her, then it's potent blackmail material. She is 14 now and it's incest. Nobody would want a tape like to sent to family members or business partners, let alone the general public.
Also in the video around 2 minutes in he seems to call her Nattie, but I am not sure about that, it's not really definitive in my opinion.
If Lude can be trusted there seems to be even more horrific stuff on there. I guess, you can drug a person up and possibly put him in a state of anxiety or make him very aggressive via use of a directed energy weapon, tuned to the right frequency, and then let him do awful things to innocent children and tape it, that would be the most potent blackmail material. I suspect that is what happened to Hunter.