Can you fuck off for a day? Your ego is in shambles based on last thread
Give it a rest
>I plan on just killing myself at some point.
This you? Defending anime faggot after the despicable display is tragic
>s. I plan on just killing myself at some point.
Quoting scripture after saying reckless shit is classless, fucking degenerate
You’re fucking delusional, pretending like last thread didn’t happen
Taking up more than 52 posts just to spam his thread didn’t happen? 🤡🤡🤡
Take your buddy (13)s advice and fuck off
Did you even look at last thread? Just look at the fucking catalog you mong, he’s trying to change the thumbnail as well
This faggot can’t keep animedick out of his mouth, he changed thumbnail and bitched 99 posts in our bread after we wouldn’t put up with him
The thing is there’s like 4 of them, 420chan faggots that think derailing us is lulzy
Do tell more (1)
Other boards want the attention, sooo bad
If Americans get their information flow cut off then so be it
Cuz you’re not reading the same post 17 times,
east coast fags need to heed our Advice and see for themselves that what anime did was unacceptable, check the breads yourself
Kill the personality, watch the new slant form