The top of it looks like part of a dick helmet got sliced away.
Looks like the kind of image an AI would make.
The top of it looks like part of a dick helmet got sliced away.
Looks like the kind of image an AI would make.
Final Debate Cold Open - SNL
Anons, the comments below this SNL parody of the 2nd debate are thus far 100% normie liberal cringe.
If anons feel so inclined, please go and chime in with some based ridicule. This imbalance ought not be allowed to stand.
>They program (you)…
>(you) produce FEAR and other negative emotions…
>Think about our "movie"=programming our TV=programming our sports=programming our influencers=programming…
>Was all the programming "LOVE AND LIGHT"
>Wasn't byMISTAKE
Is your benzadrine.
>This makes me wonder why Lisa M changed her mind and said she would vote yes for ACB yesterday, around the same time we heard news that several of Pence's staff tested positive.
Salient point. Lisa M is about as legit as truck stop sushi.
What happens to her face from the top lip upward in the leaf of the apple?
Is he getting sucked off by some kind of Star Wars cantina alien? A hybrid human-aardvark?