CNN has been hitting Mike Pence hard this morning because he is not self-isolating for 14 days, as recommended by his own corona task force and CDC guidelines, after his top staff tested positive for the virus.
Why is this important to them…because they don't think Pence should be at the Senate to cast a vote for ACB in case of a tie.
Now, if we are suppose to have the votes, why would they be going on and on and on about pence this morning.
This makes me wonder why Lisa M changed her mind and said she would vote yes for ACB yesterday, around the same time we heard news that several of Pence's staff tested positive.
Was it a set up to make Rs think they had the votes and didn't need Pence. Was Lisa going to change her mind again at the last minute? Change it back to a 'no' and leave the vote at a tie?
Did Pence's staff really test positive? or or there traitors on his staff?
Or are they really test positive, which would mean they were infected on purpose?
Something stinks about the timing of Pence's staff getting covid, Lisa M changing her vote to yes and ACB vote today.
this would mean Lisa M is still under DiFi's control.