How many times have I to watch Hunter Bidens dick, until something really devestating drops? (not that I want to see that either, but I have to!)
>Be happy - it is going to get bumpy
I am! I am prepeared as good as possible! It happens!
The serious issue I have, I live in a small town in Germany (everybody knows everyone) and we got a human trafficking arrest a couple of weeks ago in this fucking small town… No one cares, no one talks about and they are getting angry, when I telling them how shit that is! Hard to understand for me!
>it dropped this morning
I am patient! I know it is coming!
>Hang in there
You too Anon! I, you never give up!
I have seen that someone was talking about! Of course this is shocking to me and I for myself know that it is true, but there is that word "rumor"! Until it is fucking proven! That is the shit I am talking about! I don´t want to see fucking childporn, but I want that everyone is locked away who is doing that and who is covering that shit up!
So why are Rudy and Bannon waiting for that to bring it out? It called politics and why is it called politics, because the mass is stupid!
I would like to have someone who says "There is childporn, here is the hard evidence and we got them!" Instead of releasing thousands of dick pics from a drug addict!
Show it! Show me that you can prove that it is his niece! I mean prove!