Q is indeed a magnificent bastard!
Q not only cracked the deep state's information firewalls by uniting military with civilian population for the first time ever, but, and incredibly:
==All attacks from the shills who pretend to be outraged and upset about 'no arrests' up until this particular day, out of the next 4 years at least, is that they are all logically suggesting they have KNOWLEDGE AND AWARENESS of the evil activities they themselves are claiming the evil doers 'got away with it' because of 'no arrested' up until this particular day!
What they are ADMITTING TO THE WORLD is that they all agree Q succeeded in getting the information out into the general public, including the shill's own minds.
In other words, every future attack on Q's 'arrests' activities can only ever be people attacking their own minds from having learned what was learned precisely because of the Q project that made them capable of complaining in the first place.
The FRAMEWORK of the shills' entire possible syntax is and can only be INTERNALIZED by the shills themselves for even positing the information that got out there because of Q (and Anons, and Patriots, and the digital army of citizen journalists worldwide).
We're already past the point of no return.