If you search Richard L. Pyle, the man who discovered the Obama fish, you will find he is also a 'database coordinator' for Bishop Museum. He also started BioGUID.org, "a web service that crosslinks identifiers linked to data objects in the biodiversity realm".[5] At that time, the site contained over one billion (1,000,000,000) identifiers."[5]
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Pyle
He started the database with Robert K. Whitton, who among other listed jobs, has attended military intelligence officer school and is presently VP of business development at the Decision Research Corporation, a computer software company.
https:// www.linkedin.com/in/robert-whitton-3bb0b717
Both have ties to Bishop Museum…are we getting closer and closer to the Grand Poobah and Cheezybay???