'Garrett Memorial Chappel' of course has an associated 'trust fund' attached to it.
Garrett Chapel
5251 Skyline Drive
Bluff Point, NY 14478
"The Chapel was deeded to the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester in 1931. However, it is solely supported by a private nonprofit 501c3 organization which is responsible for all aspects of stewardship, care, and maintenance."
"the grounds are always open"
so locals get a free park paid for by a non profit.
who owns the abutting land?
this is a typical multi-generational way to hide value of assets to set up tax free situations for people who really, though they pretend to share, don't want to.
so a trust like this set up and 'patsied' on a church (the episcopal) and thus . . . who ever those rich are get to have it all tax free, owned by others, but still get to enjoy the free year round use in this obscure place.