Facebook Has Made Their Stance Clear, Support Establishment Narrative or Be Wiped Out
If you have been following the Free Thought Project or our police accountability page, Police the Police, on Facebook, chances are, you haven’t seen our content in a while. This is not due to us cutting back on content creation or reporting. In fact, in recent months, we have stepped it up but thanks to Facebook’s crackdown on information that doesn’t toe the establishment group think line, our information is being seen by increasingly fewer people.
This is a major problem, not just for the future of the Free Thought Project but for the future of free thought itself.
If you were to visit a page like Occupy Democrats on Facebook, you can clearly see that they violate all the algorithm’s rules against posting too frequently, posting questionable information, and sharing repurposed unoriginal content. If other outlets would manage their pages in a similar manner, rest assured that you would never hear from them as this is a way to ensure no one sees your posts.
Facebook has these algorithm checks in place — they claim — to reduce the spread of spam or inflammatory content. However, Occupy Democrats appears to be given a pass as they toe the Left’s establishment line. Many on the right will look at this and claim that it is evidence Facebook is censoring right wing news while promoting the left, but this is inaccurate.
Case in point: Breitbart. Like Occupy Democrats, Breitbart also clearly violates all the algorithm’s rules against posting too frequently and posting questionable information. And, Like OD, their page receives tens of millions of interactions a day.
Instead of repeating the left’s establishment narrative, Breitbart repeats the right’s, so they are given a pass and are allowed to continue sharing information, even when that information is patently false.
In the meantime, outlets like the Free Thought Project get fact checked on things that are widely accepted as true and our rank in the algorithm diminishes as a result. In the following example, TFTP allowed a member of our Facebook group to post a photo in the group. The photo stated — 100% accurately — that it shows Joe Biden holding hands with a former leader of the KKK, Robert Byrd.
As this was factual information, Facebook’s algorithm or some disgruntled employee made up fake information to claim it was “Mostly False.”
Collective Evolution, who has been around for a decade, may soon see their Facebook page with over 5,000,000 followers, wiped from the face of the internet and the thousands of hours of work into building it will be turned to dust.
Comedian JP Sears, who uses comedy to show the absurd nature of the two-party paradigm has experienced censorship and demonitization as well. Earlier this month, his advertising account was demonitized because he allegedly shared “false news.” As we have illustrated above, there are many examples of this ‘false news’ rating being used to simply silence those who post it, despite the news being completely true.