Someone needs to feed that poor woman.
Of course she should. All of the originalist on the court should always recuse themselves. From any case. Period.
I remember Ginsburg and Kagen recused themselves from the gay wedding case that came before the SCOTUS after they both officiated gay marriages themselves. Remember that? kek
How fitting is that? BOOM!!!! Fucking libtards are haten' it and I am LOVE'N it!!!!!!
Not where my eyes went to begin with!!! kek
Yep, that's Wray right there. Head stuck so far up his ass he's looking at his tonsils.
Hey Barry. You're still a Big Eared Mothafucka!!! Have a big turn out down in North Miami this weekend? ROTFKMFAO!!!! Lying POS!!
Bet they wish they could now. But…………..anyone casting a vote for any democrat is either too fucking stupid to be voting or they approve of the subversive intent of the democrat party.