What will happen is to a landslide
What a landslide is to a close call
What will happen is to a landslide
What a landslide is to a close call
Doesn't Justice Roberts do the swearing in of Supreme Court Justices and shit?
Why Clarence Thomas?
When can Judge Barrett start?
As soon as she is sworn in. President Trump is likely to hold a swearing-in ceremony at the White House tonight, meaning she could be at work on Tuesday.
Bangin' his niece.
every single one of these kinds of posts makes me go back and read the article that i normally scrolled past
every single time
you people are so fucking bad at your jobs its hilarious
She always reminds me of "The Hobbit"
>Sunlit Surface Of Moon
The hole surface of the moon is lit by the Sun.
The so called Dark Side of the Moon is the side of the moon we don't see but Sun does.
time to turn over a new leaf bro
course he is
he just realized offering the bidens prima nocta with his daughter gained him nothing
This fag who knowingly sacrifices his own daughter to pedo-elitist scum!