Don't pray to angels
Pray to God
Angels are tools
Crack open that dusty thing called a bible and read how angels respond when humans worship them
The angels immediately say stop, worship God
The moar you know
Don't pray to angels
Pray to God
Angels are tools
Crack open that dusty thing called a bible and read how angels respond when humans worship them
The angels immediately say stop, worship God
The moar you know
Pray however you want anon
I presented you with what was in the word
Your method does not reconcile with the word
Go to the Psalms
Ever read a Psalm addressed to an angel?
May want to line yourself up with the word of God
And throw out all this religious bs you
/ we / the masses have been taught
Why pray to an angel anyway?
When you have access to the almighty.
As I said, dust off that Bible and use it for guidance
If David never prayed to an Angel
Or Jesus (Yeshua) never did
Why would you?
Maximum Brrrrrrrrrt
He did it….
Because he was told to by his handler(s)
To murder the elderly
To infect the most vulnerable
To rid the state payrolls of pension / medical liabilities (payables to elderly)
To maintain the rona fear narrative - cannot keep a country locked down if no deaths
Old people, on average, tend to vote republican
That is why
Get. Out. Of. California. Anon.
That state is/will be judged for the evil it is
Flee anon
And DO NOT look back
Then praying for you anon
To bring His will to you and those around you
That not one honorable, God fearing person would perish
Think about Lot though anon
He had to flee and the Mrs didn't make it out of that situation
Food for thought
Standing with you, I was raised out there
So Lot was a coward then anon?
That is your position?
When God pronounces judgement…. better get the hell out of the way
Prudent planning
To protect his guests?
What came of that offer by the way?
Did others do the same? (Check out judges)
Slide at this point anon
We clearly don't see eye to eye
But all good
I'm going to fuck off and lurk
Ultimately anon in CA has to make the choice as we all do
Fight or flight
If you are a jiu jitsu / mma / or self defense practitioner
You already know that the easiest battle to win is one you avoid by being vigilant and proactive
Other fights cannot be avoided
Mind the gap if that is what has been placed on your heart
If not and you are told to flee, highly recommend you pay attention to that still small voice