This fits perfectly with the timeline of pregnancy; would put late stage pregnancy in November - perfect time to get a pre-released copy of a book
Then you just hide her until deliver give child to a controlled proxy and threaten and bribe the mom.
This fits perfectly with the timeline of pregnancy; would put late stage pregnancy in November - perfect time to get a pre-released copy of a book
Then you just hide her until deliver give child to a controlled proxy and threaten and bribe the mom.
Watch the Timeline of the Gateway Pundit and the 9 months later and the pregnancy picture of his niece reading an early release of a book.
I can't believe you all don't get it Hunter got his dead brothers daughter pregnant while dating her mom that is what Joe and Jill and Jack texts are all about!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DATED FIT March to NOV would be early release of that book
at first I thought that it was the stripper, but no that was in 2018 according to reports.
It would be with a trusted surrogate.
You prove to me that picture is photoshopped you win.
if not the texted secure the timeline to Nov Dec delivery and my bet no pics from March until Feb.
Early release of that book would be Nov to Dec.