anons - I might disapoint you.
But this is not about diging. Do you ever forgive?
anons - I might disapoint you.
But this is not about diging. Do you ever forgive?
You choose revenge
You choose forgiveness
You choose mercy
You choose the dice roled already.
In here, Body Language is:
Contempt while smiling-sociopath even psychopath character, that at once ate the time-
2nd - if you look this posture from distance, it is childish begavioral,
3- both hands and sociopathic siml, asimetric, it means "i got the prade, it is mine".
In varios case, contempt smile be different.
In this, is an open fake smile, with all teeth and asymetryc , it is like, "i got it", and both hands, with all fingers, dwetermine full control..
it is a fake smile. a neutral smile show only parth of teeth
and more eyes and mouth coroner rid
but, contempt, never trust contempt. there are 2 things in body language you should be scared of, contempt and afirmations, while your head sez negation.
contempt is supremacy, and it is stronly connected with at least sociopathy/antisociophaty. try to avoid. it means, someaone is slight sfeeling suoperior, you must be a winner, avoid negativity, people that think they can control you