Anonymous ID: c828d9 April 21, 2018, 8:16 a.m. No.1129953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0169


>known as the Grand Dame of soap operas

Has anyone pointed out that "Grand Dame" is the title of the highest lady larper of the larping lodges?

>Exactly what is a Grande Dame in the business of Mind Control?

>An Illuminati Grande Dame will assist the programmers to insure that the proper script is given to the child and that a psychotic break doesn't occur causing the victim to lose their mind.

>Just one example of the thousands of Illuminati Grande Dames killed in ritual like this is the recent billionairess Doris Duke, who was ritually killed in 1993 on Halloween, also called All Hallows Eve, in the Beverly Hills, CA area.

>The Illuminati method for killing a Grande Dame and passing her spiritual power on is done with reverence. No blood is to be spilt out of respect for the elderly woman who gives up her life willingly. At death, the last breath is inhaled by the replacement to transfer the power.

>There may be as many as 2,197 Grande Dames at such a coronation. The Grande Mothers (whose Systems are mistresses for Satan and hierarchy leaders) and the next rank, the Grande Dames, are often veiled in ritual and would wear robes with different colored lining. The different colors of linings show the different grades. A typical Grande Mother vestment or robe is a black satin & velvet dress with a draped neckline, and ritual symbols down the center of the robe. http://


Dubious source, sure, but nevertheless, coincidentally the same verbiage.