>>1129554 last bread.
Nice words, thx.
You might find this interesting.
https:// infogalactic.com/info/Demetrius_I_of_Bactria
>>1129554 last bread.
Nice words, thx.
You might find this interesting.
https:// infogalactic.com/info/Demetrius_I_of_Bactria
>>1128746 #1410
Fascinating, thx. Notes for 1st 39 minutes:
Puritans followed only Old Testament, not New Testament.
Invisible College
behind “Heliocentrism” and “Peer Review” process
(key method of control of science right when it was transitioning "beyond" alchemy)
Puritans were 1st “religion” to embrace both heliocentrism and scientism/peer review.
“Natural Philosophy”
(As the Crown Sees It)
Royal Society (City of London)
Gresham College - 1662
1st “scientific journal” - ‘’peer review’'
same members founded Harvard
aka the Puritans
witch hunts overlap with same era
Current/recent past members of Royal Society.
Aldous Huxley
Stephen Hawking
Richard Dawkins…
“circle jerk”
‘’’SERIOUS INVESTIGATION needs to be done into Harvard’s involvement and their true allegiances.’''
Indeed. (funny!)
"practice patience" always a good reminder, thx.
>>1128968 last bread
your almonds have a trinity. appears that They are in "hanging out, Ltd." mode. They're probably thinking that if They can control the flow of $$$, They can keep her somewhat quiet & collect some cashish from the Deplorables at same time.
Similar to the SR situation, maybe?
Placing a Story?
never hurts to brush up on legalese every so often.
>http:// learn.asialawnetwork.com/2017/10/03/ common-confusing-legal-words-legalese-explained-simply/