Long Beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
U.S. regulators are reportedly raising objections that Cosco Shipping, a state-run Chinese company, could take control of a container terminal at the Port of Long Beach as part of its $6.3-billion acquisition of another company.
The concerns have been raised by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal, which cited unnamed sources.
The secretive committee, which is chaired by the Treasury Department and focuses on national security, is reviewing Cosco's planned acquisition of Orient Overseas International because that Hong Kong company has some assets in the U.S., a Cosco vice chairman has said.
The assets include a nearly fully automated terminal known as the Long Beach Container Terminal, for which Orient Overseas has a long-term lease.
http:// www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-long-beach-terminal-20180420-story.html
LONG BEACH DESK - The Long Beach Naval Station was tentatively placed on the Military Base Closure-List by president George Bush in 1991. President Bill Clinton, closed the naval base last in 1993. That resulted in the loss to Long Beach, California of 17,500 military and civilian jobs. The economic impact of the of loss was $52.5 million and drove the California economy into the tank. It has never recovered.
Between 1995-1996, during the heat of the Clinton-Gore Campaign fund raising activity, the Clinton administration actively intervened to make sure a Communist Chinese cargo container shipping interest got a too-good deal on a Long Beach, California, shipping terminal.
http:// www.dailyrepublican.com/chinesegot.html
https:// www.prisonplanet.com/articles/february2006/230206portsellout.htm
The connection between disarming Californians goes hand in hand with this engineered surrender of the Long Beach Naval Shipyard to the Red Chinese which completes the sabotage of the USA which Feinstein has been creating since 1995.
http:// rense.com/general95/american-traitor.html