drain the spiritual swamp
tho we'd rather not see our flag burned or our God damned
both can withstand such insult
and freedom does contain room for lessons
oh great
more useless breeders posing as parents abandoning their own children after feeding them garbage and ignoring the first 5 years of their formational lives then letting the state and public school form more liberal living abortions
not rpo abortion
tired of the constant site of dumb fat unloved ignored debased children who are mentally and physically slighted by the people who wanted to increase their ego so much they had 5, split up and act like demonic aggressors. great. abortion would be a blessing to some children. sorry
why is the manipulation of the very beginning of life
than bringing back a life from death ?
if it is God's will to see any and all pregnancies thru to the end
why aren't his heart attacks left alone to end his way in a Godly death?
equally abominable no?