Anonymous ID: 4c92b9 Oct. 26, 2020, 10:23 p.m. No.11301177   🗄️.is 🔗kun



how to reason with delusional people…? go to a mirror. open your mouth. look at your teeth. those are the teeth of an omnivore. you have cuspids and canines for ripping and tearing flesh, and molars for grinding plants. evolution dictates that you are omnivorous, as you CANNOT get the amino acids you need from a NATURAL plant based diet (don't bother to mention the highly contrived and unnatural vegan diets that supposedly replace meat - btw they DON'T).

next, who the fuck are you to decide that the life of a chicken is more important to God than the life of a carrot? you rip living organisms from the ground and consume them while they're still alive, but that's magically OK because YOU say so?

third, everything is going to die. cows will not magically live forever is we stop killing them for food. in fact, none of them would have even been born if they were not destined for the barbecue. if you believe it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, it follows that it's better to have lived and died than never to have lived at all. so you would deny life to billions of livestock just to assuage your warped sense of guilt and self-loathing?

you sir, are not only a hypocrite, but a moron as well. if i were POTUS, you would be arrested for child endangerment.

Anonymous ID: 4c92b9 Oct. 26, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.11301454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1516


>lurk moar

i've been lurking here and elsewhere for 70 years. YOU need to read and comprehend more. buy a dictionary.

a democracy is where everyone votes directly on every issue of state.

a democratic republic is were everyone gets to vote to chose a representative, and the representative votes directly on the issues of state.

the constitution specifically defines and LIMITS the powers of those representatives.

ergo, if you feel the need to be ANAL about it, we have a constitutionally circumscribed DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

read a fucking book sometime, JUNIOR.