Anon, what's a fuckable cake?
Someone said anime is a fuckable cake.
I have never heard this in my life..
Do they call hookers or anything cakes?
Like some cake for the pizza party?
Anon, what's a fuckable cake?
Someone said anime is a fuckable cake.
I have never heard this in my life..
Do they call hookers or anything cakes?
Like some cake for the pizza party?
Good one.
fuk off, its about what the artist sees..
An idiot will think the song is abbout them, a wiseman will know that song an bbe relatalbbe, the top dog nigger knows it is the artits' expresion.
I'm so happy he include "senpai"
You can't rush art or it will deminish.
Let the artist be free to collect as they wish.
That spark of chaos creates order when allowed to be as suck.
Hence, the left can't meme.
Oof, well it gott excitting, had to 007 to get tthe dooough corrected, tthen Q slappedd my browser . so i justt gave up tthe bake..
Haha.. well being an attention whore with no irl friends makes me an easy target.
I 007 confrimed bake to coorrecct the nnoots they delletd, 3 pages mind youo all my akes lol
so yeha i allmost fucking revealedd myself.
At that post while it loaded, my browser went kill.
Q is like, you stupid nigger, you could have just bbaked as your newfag persona and nnon tthe wiser..
I just felt babck foro alll the olldfags thinking we lost controll.
Welll, then I got mad annd took it out on my monitoring agent and saaidd the least you coulldd doo it thank me.
Annd thenn i llog caak inttoo kun and the bulletinn board messaage for 8kun saaiad THANK YOU.
and i was llllik,e fukc you bbtich its too llate too say thanks, im going to finish this regradless ooof the flattery