Chicagoanon listening to the morning news covering the affects on small business restaurant owners from possible new shutdowns and the use of state police to issue hefty fines on violators. I am tired of of this targeted attack by the democratic governors and mayors of this country. The way I see it they are directly attacking the portion of US citizens that vote Republican across the spectrum. Small business owners, capitalists, and church goers seem to be the primary targets. Large corporate businesses are all allowed to function with little restrictions. Grocery stores, hardware giants, fast food giants that are designed for take and go drive thru business models. They will survive and in some cases profit from all this when all of the small entrepreneur businesses go under and they capture their market shares. I just don't understand how so many people do not see this. Fuck I am tired of this shit.
BO IN DC TAPING - SPYGATE Movie. Its hard to keep up with 3 movies goin on at once.