Anonymous ID: 3d4620 Oct. 27, 2020, 8:56 a.m. No.11306143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6167

Huntington Beach city manager hit with misconduct allegations in latest City Hall turmoil


Accusations of cyber spying and sexual harassment have been leveled against Huntington Beach City Manager Oliver Chi, rocking an already chaotic City Hall in the final throes of a divisive election campaign.


Documents obtained by the Southern California News Group indicate Chi allegedly ordered a subordinate to secretly search the emails of elected City Attorney Michael Gates. Chi also is accused of repeatedly and without invitation hugging his former executive assistant.


Both employees claim Chi retaliated against them when they complained.


Chi, who took the helm of city administration in Surf City more than a year ago, denied any wrongdoing, saying in an interview that political opponents are trying to sabotage him.


“At times, employment conflicts do arise and individuals are free to make complaints,” Chi said. “I categorically deny that I or the city engaged in any illegal behavior.”


The turbulence at City Hall comes at a time when Huntington Beach has lost two police chiefs in little more than a week and is undergoing an acrimonious City Council campaign leading up to the Nov. 3 election. The chaos hit a crescendo recently when a controversial attack ad portrayed three council candidates as radicals who would bring looting and lawlessness to Huntington Beach.


Amid the fighting, the accusations emerged against Chi.


In a Sept. 29 letter obtained through the California Public Records Act, the city’s chief information officer, Behzad Zamanian, said Chi ordered him on Sept. 11 to search Gates’ emails using backups. The letter was written by Zamanian’s attorney and addressed to Gates.


“The search ordered by Mr. Chi was an extremely invasive search that would require Mr. Zamanian to open up all of (Gates’) emails,” said the letter from attorney Daniel Rashtian.


Zamanian refused, and reported Chi’s conduct to Travis Hopkins, Huntington Beach’s assistant city manager/head of human resources, the letter said. Chi and Hopkins allegedly responded by trying to force Zamanian, a 17-year employee, to resign.


The letter said Zamanian was berated by Chi and presented with a settlement agreement offering to place him on paid leave for a month, after which his resignation would become effective. In exchange, Zamanian would recant any accusations against Chi and the city, the letter said.


Although Zamanian refused to resign, Chi announced his departure and treated him as though he was leaving, according to the document. Zamanian’s attorney says his client intends to file a formal claim, a precursor to a whistleblower lawsuit, which also would allege age discrimination.


“The conduct against Mr. Zamanian has caused serious health issues for Mr. Zamanian that are potentially life-threatening and could cause permanent disabilities,” the letter said. “But Mr. Hopkins continues to contact Mr. Zamanian in order to push him to sign the invalid contract he was provided.”


… Chi, who previously served as the top administrator in Monrovia since 2014. was hired by the Huntington Beach City Council in August 2019 and took the reigns the following September. Chi was chosen from 90 candidates to lead Huntington Beach, with a starting salary of $240,000.


He raised eyebrows in April by shepherding a three-year, $5 million pay raise mostly for Huntington Beach police officers while the city was beginning to experience a financial hit from the COVID-19 pandemic.