Anonymous ID: f3614d Oct. 27, 2020, 8:16 a.m. No.11305648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5709 >>5760 >>5777 >>5782 >>6048 >>6121 >>6167

while all eyes are the election, what's going on behind the curtain are literal 'crimes against humanity'.


The Reality of Gates’ & Schwab’s Plan

October 27, 2020


Here is a video of people staving in a food panic in Jos, Nigeria. This is what Big Tech and mainstream media will hide. They cannot be this stupid to impose lockdowns that have reduced the food supply on a massive scale. People are starving in parts of Africa where Gates has been so concerned about reducing the population. This is what the lockdowns have been designed to do. Not just destroy the economy to set it up for Klas Schwab’s New Green Communist World Order, but this is wiping out the food supply by disrupting the supply chain. To defeat an army you cut off its supply chain. This is PRECISELY what Schwab, Gates, and Soros have done. The world they want to create leaves them as the ruling class while everyone beneath them, the great unwashed, will be EQUAL, owning nothing.


This is our War Index of stocks that will benefit from war. Note that for the past 5 months it has been breaking out. We are also beginning to see breakout is some of our world commodities which are confirming we are also facing shortages that will no doubt lead to famine, death, and starvation. I have seen some wild James Bond films with grand designs to dominate the world. Nobody has ever envisioned using a virus to do what no invading army has ever been able to accomplish. Please stockpile food. Better to be hedged than regret.

Anonymous ID: f3614d Oct. 27, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.11305739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5751

CDC Sued Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Nationwide Eviction Ban

October 26, 2020


Landlords, homebuilders accuse agency of ‘sweeping assumption of power’


Landlords and homebuilders filed suit in federal court against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in an effort to block an eviction moratorium issued last month by the federal public health agency.


The lawsuit, known as Skyworks Ltd. v. CDC, was filed Oct. 23 in federal court in Ohio. It names the agency and its director, Robert R. Redfield, as defendants.


The CDC argues the eviction ban is needed to curb the spread of the CCP virus, which causes the disease COVID-19, although tenants can invoke the ban whether they suffer from virus-related hardships or not.


Tenants establish eligibility under the moratorium by providing their landlords with a CDC-approved declaration stating that they make under $99,000 annually, are unable to pay rent because of a loss of income, have tried to obtain government assistance, will try to make partial rent payments, and will be homeless or will have to move in with others if they are evicted.


Once they submit a declaration, a landlord can’t evict them.


“It’s unconstitutional,” said Luke Wake, an attorney with the Sacramento, California-based Pacific Legal Foundation, a public interest law firm representing landlords in this case, whose properties are occupied by tenants who stopped paying rent when the bans were enacted.


“Federal agencies don’t get to just make up law,” Wake said in an interview with The Epoch Times.


“It’s very strange. The CDC exists to track and monitor epidemics and contagious diseases, as some sort of a resource to public health authorities and whatnot, but they have very limited regulatory powers.”


Among the plaintiffs are Ohio landlord Skyworks Ltd. and the National Association of Homebuilders.


The eviction moratorium, which took effect Sept. 4, prevents landlords from evicting residential tenants during the ongoing pandemic. A previous federal moratorium authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act covered only tenants living in properties with rent subsidies or federally backed mortgages, but the new order, which runs through year’s end, covers most renters across the United States.


The law was passed with bipartisan support and signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27. It also provides more than $2 trillion in economic relief, including economic assistance for workers, families, and small businesses.


But the CARES Act didn’t give the CDC the power to block evictions, plaintiffs argue.


The statute, according to the plaintiffs’ legal complaint, allows the CDC “to take certain actions—inspection, fumigation, disinfection, and sanitation, among others—to stop the spread of infectious disease across state lines.”


“Nowhere does it authorize the CDC to impose a nationwide eviction moratorium,” the complaint states.


Although the pandemic “poses a significant threat to many Americans and a serious challenge to government at all levels … [it] does not suspend the normal operations of constitutional government. Under our Constitution, Congress makes the law and the executive branch enforces it.”


The CDC’s moratorium “represents a sweeping assumption of power by an administrative agency that it simply does not possess,” altering “the contractual relationships of perhaps millions of people across the country.”


Re: Epoch Times

Anonymous ID: f3614d Oct. 27, 2020, 8:37 a.m. No.11305944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6002 >>6068



well, one must ask themselves am I property of the State, or muh own individual sovereign.


by the way, if CV-19 is contagious via human respiration, masks are useless. Pores in cloth masks are 1000 times larger than the virus.


which begs the question, wtf is everyone wearing a mask for???


this is a manufactured plan, much moar nefarious than one could even imagine, just look at the fear mongering, they're using fear, to usher in their 'New Green Great Economic Reset'.


a small group of psychopathic ego's determining the worlds fate and they're using the usual FEAR strategy to usher in their brain dead Communist/Fascist, depopulation vision.