Anon Theory
>"White Hats" had it all.
>She was never supposed to lose.
>Baddies knew they had it all.
>"White Hats had them dead to rights with the emails, etc. SEDITION & TREASON, SO MUCH MORE.
>Baddies knew that the ammunition would be used before election.
>Enter Hunter. Known cokehead. The sacrifice.
>Purposely left degenerate laptop filled with dick pics at repair shop. He's not embarrassed of his hog, obviously.
>Chinamen/DS/Baddies purposely slow rolling the dick pics of Hunter to distract from the real info. Nation was for sale.
The real info is the emails and recordings. (as attached) While everyone being distracted from while water cooler talk all about Hunters Prostitute collection.
They knew Hunter was in the middle of it. They CHOSE to make it all about HUNTER.