never said the guy wasn't a reprobate goofball….but the show was entertaining ; he was more compelling than Hannity if even i disagreed with everything he said ; had a face for radio, though….looked like Flick from Antz…or was it Bug's Life? but when he retired from TV the dems had the whitehouse, the house or reps and the senate ; his job was complete, and right there on Fox ; displays how week Hannity really is when confronted with an opposing opinion, even if ridiculous
if Trump could grab model's by the snatch, why would he rape this unattractive skank? does not pass the smell, nor eyeball, test
is it not the anti-christ that brings peace to the middle east? well, in the movies anyway
i know…..but feel bad for that kid, there, that you posted…. so we had a little fun ; so what?
last three digit on ID match last three on post # ; what does it mean?