This is actually a form of torture. Everyone needs to obtain a level of deep sleep or REM in order for the brain to function properly. This is only obtained after several hours of continuous sleep. In time she will become very disoriented and lose all connections with reality. Breaking down the bodies will to survive.
No, it isn't good. This means she is being driven mentally to actually take her own life. Also, she will lose recollection in a court trial, not remembering events or places and everything becomes jumbled. Lose of time frames and events.
Says who? It's destroying the Biden Campaign. Is that your angle?
Deliberate actions of torture are not karma. She can now claim mental disability in a court of law. It works to her advantage.
yep. It is a bad thing. Evil forms of torture do not create a positive outcome.
Good stuff. Welcome To The Club
It's a sign of distress. Cops are under attack. Might explain it.