And within a year they crashed and burned. I remember seeing how DNC officials and members of the Kerry/Edwards team would accompany them on official trips and how it reminded me of something out of the Soviet Union.
And within a year they crashed and burned. I remember seeing how DNC officials and members of the Kerry/Edwards team would accompany them on official trips and how it reminded me of something out of the Soviet Union.
They were on the air back in 2004 and within a year, they were gone. Nobody listened to that crap. Nor did anyone want to.
If Norm Coleman wasn't such a wuss he wouldn't have even been in the Senate. But alas, he got kicked out for being exposed as the pig he is.
Alan Colmes though really wasn't an out and out liberal in the sense that the others were. Sure, he espoused liberal beliefs but he was also a friendly guy, too. Something no liberal today is. He was a leftist but not really a scumbag leftist. He also didn't talk politics all the time, too. He talked about regular guy stuff on ocassion.