>>11309433 Barrett could be like Roberts. She said a dogwhistle to the Left at here swearing in. "Democratic Republic" It was a red flag for me, and did not sit right. She could be comped.
>>11309633 no. just cynical AF
>>11309633 Constitutional Republic or Representative Republic.
>>11309948 pathetic but entertaining.
>>11309920 Infiltration vs. Invasion
>>11309960 shooped
>>11309796 Anyone who trusts polling data is retarded at this point. Conservatives are still buying in to giving polls credence when the data is favorable to them. FUCK POLLS PERIOD.
>>11310223 But he won't lift his pinky to stop the sellout of our nation to the CCP and others. Clintons/0bama/Bidens/Feinstein/Schift still free collecting cash as we speak.