halfchan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/285186303
>Natalie + Hunter in same hotel?
autistic fuck figured out that it's probably natalie in them pics.
halfchan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/285186303
>Natalie + Hunter in same hotel?
autistic fuck figured out that it's probably natalie in them pics.
Girl in pic is prostitute, however we know Natalie was at that hotel; same time, same place.
Perhaps the based-chinks releasing these are teasing (who? the bidens?) that they're about to release the actual pics of hunter+natalie.
FOR SURE there's pics of hunter+natalie. And they will be released before election.
the other 8% are the trump campaign ads they have to run.
two cucked cia shills. fuck them.
probably break my flimsy dick too. fuck that.
>be us in church
>church-goer, "Not this shit again"
>pastor, "why are you here if you don't believe it"
2/3 of my christmas shopping is already done.