Possible Sky Event / EMP / Solar Flare:
BIG SUNSPOT, CRACKLING WITH FLARES: New sunspot AR2778 sharply increased in size overnight, and it is now crackling with C-class solar flares. Here is the ultraviolet flash from the strongest so far, a C4-class flare photographed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
A pulse of radiation from this flare briefly ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, disturbing shortwave radio propagation around the Indian Ocean: blackout map. The sunspot has been producing similar flares every few hours since then (0615 UT on Oct. 27th).
AR2778 is the biggest sunspot of young Solar Cycle 25 with nearly a dozen dark cores spawling almost 100,000 km across the solar surface. Astronomer Mohammad Talafha sends this picture of the growing region from the University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates:
"When I looked on the morning of Oct. 27th, the sunspot group was almost 8 times wider than Earth," says Talafha, "and it may have grown since then."
These dimensions make AR2778 an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. Amateur astronomers with safely-filtered optics are encouraged to monitor developments.