Anonymous ID: 257804 Oct. 27, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.11311555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1779

>>11311425 I think this whole thing is about a metamorphosis in how people process information. The internet has rewired brains, critical thinking is not taught in schools anymore. People have become complacent and lazy. The MSM/Hollywood cabal plays interference for the corrupt global players, while keeping people pacified with muh NFL muh ESPN garbage. THIS IS about creating a hunger in the everyday person to take back control of information (news) from the hands of those who use it to obfuscate and protect evil. It is about a reformation of the internet age. The big tech cabal has pushed their power too far. This is about the First Amendment. This is about ACCOUNTABILITY moving forward. THIS IS about By the people for the people.