Anonymous ID: d323a1 Oct. 27, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.11311111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1124 >>1139 >>1145 >>1173 >>1195 >>1212 >>1216 >>1295 >>1432

why did trump and team sit on this for so long

this is too obvious of manufactured narratives being controlled by an entity behind the scenes


this fake biden shit isn't working at all why would you guys imagine it would?

this political theater show that you're pushing is extremely obvious on both sides

what's the end goal? normalize all the disgusting lefty talking points among republicans by buying into their narrative the entire time and never having any pullback?

we're closer now to their end goals than ever before in history and all you've done is normalize it among the public both left and right

seems like that was the goal

Anonymous ID: d323a1 Oct. 27, 2020, 3:16 p.m. No.11311500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1595


the degradation of society all the points pushed left over the last few decades under satanic rule have been normalized among society

the removal of people's ability to speak freely in this country whether online or in life have been normalized

the rights trampled on by these people have been normalized

someone who's pretending to be the voice of reason and God is just buying into and accepting and pushing the left's narratives completely normalizing it among both parties to the point where things that wouldn't have been happening 10 years ago like interracial tranny shit being on cartoon network is completely normalized with no push back on either side

just seems too obviously controlled as political theater on both sides all while normalizing narratives that go against God


20 years ago the republican party of today would be deemed a liberal democratic party who worships satan because of how much they've been normalizing the left's narrative slowly inching more and more toward it with no push back under guise of being good people


at what point should we wonder if all this theater is designed to psychologically normalize all of it under guise of national security or some invisible made up threat


why would the good guys sit on information that mask become bacterial traps and only work in sterile environments where they're constantly changed knowing full well that the vast majority of people who die during pandemics die to bacterial pneumonia

they sit on all the biden corruption until after enough people have voted that it wouldn't matter

all of it being normalized and pushed by both sides with nothing ever coming of it because we're willfully allowing corrupt people to sit in office months and months after it was obvious who's game they were playing

like wray not being fired when trump said he'd fire him at the first debate now we have to wait till after election even though we knew months before that he was toeing the line for the left


all of it is becoming too obviously political theater being controlled by people who don't have the interest of God's children in mind but only keeping this giant power structure going

but now we get a good face for it through a military national security front


a dozen people will get fired and a few people may hang but everything else was normalized along the way just as planned it appears

Anonymous ID: d323a1 Oct. 27, 2020, 3:28 p.m. No.11311713   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what wins? so far every talking point has been normalized and accepted on both the left and right

your kids are dancing braless on tik tok while cities burn and people are told to perform actions that are detrimental to their health like wear mask for no reason, suicide rates through the roof while all their outlets for escape are controlled and pushing insane narratives that have absolutely no push back against while the right is being psyop'd into normalizing it among their communities as well


all of us being pushed so far down a narrative which has no push back against and the only outlet for being able to fight against it is going with it cause they don't want to hurt feelings or national security risk meaning the power structure the overton window shifted too far down a dark path with absolutely no fight back and everyone normalizing the worst negative aspects of it all along the way