Anonymous ID: f3404b Oct. 27, 2020, 3:04 p.m. No.11311270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1448

5d chess by Potus:

what if DJT…..

1- somehow got twitter to stop the normalization and sharing of pedophilia?

Q told us no matter how they try it will fail….

Enter Hunter Biden- BOOM!

2- knew Dems with help of a complicit media were going to declare victory in 2020 when they lost?

Enter Social Media bannning/ censoring election result announcements prior to Official Reporting, largely as a result of Potus trolling- BOOM!

3- etal, (mil intel+counter terror TF) mapped DS insurgency social media comms and apps so they could take down the dissemination of command & control orders/ops at will, and prevent flash rioting and mob violence? what if while focus is on SM overtly censoring conservatives, and patriots and potus are victimized, Potus and Mil are controlling the game for NatSec reasons and literally cutting off their ability to organize? No one shows for a BHO rally in Philly? All [talk]ing heads and no [action]?