who cares? the story is about the old man selling access to the obama administration, not dick pics
like when the cops plant a bag of coke when they seize your vehicle for no probably cause? let me guess…..Russia?
it is really The Establishment that has coalesced behind the Democrat moniker but there are still plenty of fuck-faced republicans like Sasse the Ass ; Willard the Magic Underwear Wearing Twink and Lispy Lindsey, etc, etc, etc
science has become a joke long ago…so, whatever
Oprah agrees
could this be related?
Goldman Sachs: Curing Cancer is Not a ‘Sustainable Business Model’
stop watching that garbage ; the spoiled athletes hate your guts ; like this piece of human offal
like finding a passport a few block away after a plane hit the twin towers and they knew it was muslims
fuck off DeAndre….you are overrated and a choke artist
thanks grammar fag !
seems twink-ish…..went right to the asshole