Anonymous ID: a7024a Oct. 27, 2020, 4:36 p.m. No.11312690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2700

Joe Biden to Georgia Voters: “I Am Kamala’s Running Mate. Y’all Think I’m Kidding Don’t You?”


Joe Biden on Tuesday traveled to Georgia with only 7 days until Election Day to campaign for Kamala Harris.


Everyone knows Kamala Harris is the real presidential candidate.


Biden admitted he is a Trojan horse for the Marxist wing of the Democrat party on Tuesday while campaigning in Atlanta, Georgia.


Old Joe previously referred to a “Harris-Biden Administration.”


Kamala Harris admitted it too. “A Harris administration together with Joe Biden.” Harris previously said.

Anonymous ID: a7024a Oct. 27, 2020, 4:52 p.m. No.11312938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2997 >>3064 >>3224 >>3255 >>3305

Gov. Abbot Sending 1,000 National Guard Troops To 5 Texas Cities For Possible 'Post-Election Violence'


It's been a nationally observable trend for months that Americans - often who have never so much as purchased a single weapon - are now stockpiling guns, ammo, and survivalist gear ahead of what many fear will be a contested election followed by mayhem and unrest, especially in urban areas which saw mass rioting and looting over the summer and the complete breakdown of law and order.


Anticipating this very scenario Republican Gov. Greg Abbot has mobilized up to 1,000 troops to safeguard major cities in Texas on election day and afterward over potential unrest and "disturbances", Fox News reports.


The San Antonio Express-News in a report Monday listed the five large cities where potential violence is expected, but which will see national guardsmen patrolling streets as Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio.


Recall that last month Abbot threatened to take over the Austin Police Department to thwart the capital city's attempt to drastically cut police funding.


The Texas National Guard command has further reportedly been asked by the governor's office to draft specific contingency plans in case of an outbreak of election violence.


Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Tracy Norris in a statement said the Texas Military Department was previously "activated to provide additional support to the Department of Public Safety in the summer of 2020" and that it will fill this role once again related to the November election.


"Texas Service Members continue to support DPS in this capacity, guarding historical landmarks such as the Alamo and the State Capitol," Norris said. Austin police earlier said local law enforcement "will plan and prepare for any large protest or civil unrest events related to the upcoming elections."


However, given Texas Democrats are outraged and on edge over the Republican governor ordering up the National Guard, the general further underscored:


"To be clear, there has been no request nor any plan to provide any type of support at any polling location in Texas."


On Tuesday many county and local Democrats slammed the move as unconstitutional and completely unjustified as nothing but a "peaceful election" is expected, they said.


It's also the case that the 5 cities tend to be Democratic strongholds, as many commentators are also pointing out.


Critics have cried foul, claiming the mere presence of troops anywhere on Texas city streets is a form of voter suppression and intimidation. But as is currently being demonstrated with police being attacked by large roving mobs in Philadelphia, the potential for post-election chaos remains very real, especially if there's a Trump victory.

Anonymous ID: a7024a Oct. 27, 2020, 5:01 p.m. No.11313074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3096 >>3247 >>3305

President Trump’s Private Businesses, Including Mar-A-Lago, Reportedly Amassed More Than $8 Million Throughout His Term


President Donald Trump’s businesses have profited at least $8 million since he took office as Trump uses his private businesses to host presidential dealings, per a Washington Post report published Tuesday.


Despite stepping down from all businesses prior to assuming the office of the presidency, the businesses that bear his family name have played host to a number of formal government functions. In February 2017, Trump hosted Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at his private Mar-a-Lago club. Trump’s aides also needed lodging for the duration of the trip, leaving taxpayers responsible for shouldering the costs. While federal policy dictated the per diem rate for rooming was $182, Mar-a-Lago charged well above that, according to The Washington Post.


“[There’s] a five bedroom house that three of the senior staff are staying in at $2,600 per night,” State Department employee Michael Dobbs wrote to colleagues, per the report. “The other two Senior staffers (Bannon and Walsh) are expected to be charged $546 for their rooms.”


Policy allows the State Department to pay up to three times the normal limit – $546 in this instance – with authorization, which the White House gave, per the same report. Mar-a-Lago later lowered the rate charged to the State Department and provided partial refunds for some earlier charges, The Washington Post reported.


Trump hosted Abe at his private Mar-A-Lago again in 2018, opting out of hosting the leader at the White House. His Palm Beach, Florida, club charged the State Department $13,700 for guest rooms, $16,500 for food and wine and $6,000 for roses and floral arrangements, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post. The club also reportedly billed the government $3 for water.


Trump has reportedly visited his own hotels and clubs more than 280 times, turning them into hosting sites for GOP events and fundraisers for his reelection campaign. Trump said he hosts events there because “people like my product, what can I tell you, can’t help it,” per the Post.

Anonymous ID: a7024a Oct. 27, 2020, 5:03 p.m. No.11313096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3247 >>3265 >>3305



NYT's Latest Trump Tax Leak Shows Trump Strong-Armed Deutsche Bank Into Forgiving $270MN


With roughly one week to go before the polls close on Election Day, the New York Times has dropped - what else? - another"bombshell" under the now-infamous heading "The President's Taxes".


The MSM is of course still relitigating the claims from this fall's first big tax bombshell, a 10,000-word piece from the NYT, and others that have been published since.


But in the paper's latest foray into Trump's financial history, they visit an episode that has been publicly disclosed before, though the paper adds more details about an "aggressive tax maneuver" undertaken by Trump and his team, as well as offering unprecedented insight into Trump's extraordinary ability to strongarm lenders, even when eye-popping sums are involved.


The setting for today's story is the depths of the financial crisis. The location: Chicago, where Trump visited in September 2008, the nadir of the crisis, to celebrate the completion of his 92-floor skyscraper.


After offering the usual boilerplate juxtaposing Trump's public comments at the opening of the building with the struggles to sell condos in the tower, the NYT noted the following:


Yet for Mr. Trump and his company, the Chicago experience also turned out to be something else: the latest example of his ability to strong-arm major financial institutions and exploit the tax code to cushion the blow of his repeated business failures.


But most importantly, the story lands with a twist: it's this series of financial victories of Trump over his lenders that is, amazingly, at the core of one of the many investigations currently underway involving Trump and his administration (most of which the public has long stopped caring about). Because New York AG Letitia James' whole battle over Trump's tax returns has been centered on whether Trump 'cheated' by not paying any taxes on the debts forgiven by Deutsche Bank tied to the Chicago Tower project, and others.


The story of Trump's business relationship with DB and how he eventually came to take out the loans for the Chicago Tower project is recounted in exhaustive detail. But here's the interesting part: when Trump applied for his second extension, DB said 'no', giving him only six weeks before the bank moved to seize the building.


So what did Trump do? He "went on the offensive," as the NYT put it. He wrote a letter claiming that the financial crisis was a "force majeure" - an act of God - that entitled him to extra time to repay.


Trump sued, DB and Fortress (which was also brought in on the loan) counter sued, what happened next, like the details above (the broad strokes, at least), were already known.


What wasn't was the figure that Trump eventually walked away from: Trump was allowed to default on just over $270 million in debt, a deal that, according to the NYT, "few American companies or individuals could ever expect to receive, especially without filing for bankruptcy protection."


Here's the key bit:


The forgiven debts showed up in Mr. Trump’s tax returns. For 2010, Mr. Trump’s 401 Mezz Venture reported about $181 million in canceled debts. Two years later, DJT Holdings, an umbrella company that the Chicago project had been folded into, reported that another $105 million of debt had been forgiven. Most of that appears to reflect the unpaid Fortress sum.


A few years later, when the rest of the loan came due, one arm of Deutsche Bank gave the Trump family the money needed to pay another part of the bank.


Now, years later, this is the type of carefully reported, smoothly written story that will sway swing voters to back Joe Biden over President Trump.


If anything, for fans of the president, the account of what he accomplished here will only further burnish his reputation as a ruthless businessman - something that helped propel him to the White House.

Anonymous ID: a7024a Oct. 27, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.11313136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3171 >>3193 >>3240

Obama Defends BLM Protesters: ‘This Country Was Founded on Protesting Against Injustice’


Former President Barack Obama spoke at a drive-in rally in Orlando, Florida, on behalf of Joe Biden (D) Tuesday and forcefully defended the Black Lives Matter protests that have taken place across the country — many of which have been dominated by looting and violence.


“But Joe and Kamala, they care deeply about people, America, and they care about our democracy,” Obama told supporters before defending the protests.


“They understand that protest is not un-American. This country was founded on protesting against injustice,” he declared, praising Americans of “all races” for “joining together to declare — in the face of injustice and brutality at the hands of the state — that Black Lives Matter no more but no less.”


“So that no child in this country should feel the continuing sting of racism,” he added.


Obama told the group that they cannot abandon “all those young people who are out on the streets.” Rather, Democrats must “channel their activism into action.”


“We can’t just dream for a better future. We gotta fight for a better future,” Obama said.


Black Lives Matter protests dominated several U.S. cities over the summer following the May 25 death of George Floyd. Many of the protests, particularly those in what President Trump has characterized as Democrat-controlled cities, have been hallmarked by vandalism, looting, and violence, particularly against police officers.


For several weeks, protesters focused primarily on tearing down historic monuments and statues, supposedly in the name of racial justice.


Most recently, protests erupted in Philadelphia late Monday night into early Tuesday morning following a police-involved shooting of a black man armed with a knife. Ariel footage shows mass looting in the city:


Chopper 6 over the scene as a Foot Locker in West Philadelphia is looted following the death of Walter Wallace, who police say was shot by officers after he would not drop a knife.


— Action News on 6abc (@6abc) October 27, 2020


Over two dozen officers were injured as a result of the riots, and one remains hospitalized with a broken leg after an individual in a pickup truck drove through a line of officers.