Anonymous ID: 2e3ff3 Oct. 27, 2020, 5:57 p.m. No.11314136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4491 >>4538 >>4781 >>4820

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tells Scott Morrison it's time for 'bold action' on climate change


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson emphasised the need for "bold action" to address climate change in a phone discussion with Scott Morrison overnight.

Key points:


A statement from Mr Morrison's office said Mr Johnson endorsed Australia's "focus on unlocking practical pathways to reducing emissions"

The UK has a net zero emissions by 2050 policy, but Australia only has a target to 2030

COP26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, will be held next year in Glasgow


But a statement from Mr Morrison described the call differently, noting that Mr Johnson "welcomed" Australian emissions reduction initiatives and "strongly endorsed" the Australian approach.


The UK has a policy of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.


A press release from 10 Downing Street following the call said Mr Johnson "stressed that we need bold action to address climate change, noting that the UK's experience demonstrates that driving economic growth and reducing emissions can go hand-in-hand".


The equivalent statement from the Australian Prime Minister's office stated: "PM Johnson welcomed our significant increase in emissions reduction programs announced through the Budget, and strongly endorsed our focus on unlocking practical pathways to reducing emissions," it read.


"Both countries agreed to work closely together to accelerate research and deployment of low-emission technologies ahead of COP26."


COP26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, will be held next year in Glasgow.

Budget spending


The Budget this year promised $1.9 billion in funding over 12 years on new energy technologies.


The Government characterises some investment in fossil fuel technology as reducing emissions, for example, upgrades to coal power station Delta Electricity’s Vales Point Power Station.


It is also spending $50 million on establishing the Commonwealth Carbon Capture Use and Storage Development Fund, which will research technologies that could store emissions underground.


The UK has begun phasing out coal power stations and fossil fuel-powered cars.


Mr Morrison was critical of electric cars in the lead-up to the 2019 election.


The Australian Government has promised to reduce emissions by 26 to 28 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030 but has not offered a longer-term target.


Australia Corp. state media

Anonymous ID: 2e3ff3 Oct. 27, 2020, 6:09 p.m. No.11314378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4491 >>4712 >>4781 >>4820

Biden Mega-Donor Goldman Sachs Guilty of Billion Dollar Bribery Scheme


One of the largest contributors to the Biden campaign has pled guilty in a $1.6 billion foreign bribery scheme that sought to enrich Malaysian operatives in return for lucrative contracts


Goldman Sachs, the employer of an elite cadre of large money contributors to Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s campaign, has pled guilty in a pay-to-play bribery scheme in the southeast Asian nation of Malaysia.


The Department of Justice announced the charges and the plea arrangement this week. Charges against Goldman Sachs executives’ involvement in the foreign bribery scheme – the largest in United States history, resulted in the firm paying more than $2.9 billion as part of a settlement.


“Today’s resolution, which requires Goldman Sachs to admit wrongdoing and pay nearly three billion dollars in penalties, fines, and disgorgement, holds the bank accountable for this criminal scheme and demonstrates the department’s continuing commitment to combatting corruption and protecting the US financial system,” acting Assistant Attorney General Brian Rabbitt said in a statement.


Goldman Sach’s statement of culpability comes as Biden finds himself embroiled in his own pay-to-play foreign influence scheme involving his son Hunter Biden and brother James Biden. The New York Post story on the scandal has brought forth damning and credible information of politically motivated financial malfeasance on behalf of the Bidens and possible illegal activity.


Biden and his campaign have accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from executives and employees at Goldman Sachs.