why did hitler push so far into russia.
he knew the allies were gunning for europe.
any military historian or current military officer worth their salt will tell you that had hitler nit sent his panzer divisions into russia and instead reinforced the lines along the european coast, every allied soldier sent would have died on that bloody damned beach.
this man was smart enough to conquer the entire fucking Continent in what amounts to no time at all.
why would he make such an "error".
occam's razor.
the threat represented by the bolsheviks was more important to him than defending what he had already taken.
history is a lie.
told by the true victors.
who here is intelligent enough to find the truth for themselves.
ethnic superiority is patent nonsense only believed by fools, the irretrievably ignorant, or paid shills.
nuture vs nature wins every time.
it matters not if you are black, white, indian (dot or feather), east asian, african or afrikaaner… given the proper environment, like that provided in The United States of America, all supposed difference between the races in intelligence and capability vanish.
that being said, the lies still hold sway.
You Here have been shown the truth.
the fact of whom controls:
project mockingbird
all media
most of the world governments
All of the world banks
yet still you cannot see.
<or can you just not admit that you have been fooled.
there is nothing wrong with being fooled… especially by professional liars.
it is, however, a sin against humanity, to continue under delusion when You have been shown the truth.
protect your species from the alpha organism that predates yours.
two way split on that word.
both definitions are intended.
wake up, because the good guys will win this time.
the truth is out there.
the truth is in here.
this is the redpill.
there are atrocities committed in every war.
humans are very bad at self control, especially under stresses as severe as wartime.
yet the fact is simple…
Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong… unless it were to sacrifice his people and himself in defence of humanity.
not all jews are cabal…
butall cabal Are jews.
wake up.