Heres to all the old fags… something the new fags need to realize.
<we already have all the evidence, this is why its imperative newbes need to read from the beginning Q drops, and literally read through the bun at the top of the breads so they can get up to speed on what we have been privy to for the last 3.5 years or more.
<lurk for 2 years, is not a request. If your asking dumbass questions then you've clearly not done your homework. This is not twat! Most of us who have been here long enough are lurking now, at you bumbfuks make a mockery of what we've done here. The only new news is whats been recent. So we still lurk & archive. Most of us aren't posting anymore, just shit posting. This is why the breads are so shitty now. So there's no use in complaining. Some of us new this day would come. It is a good thing to have so many wanting to contribute with more eyes on. Just take a look at dates before you go acting like you've found some great mystery.
That is all