My mother is 1/2 jewish. So I am 1/4 jewish. I have been told by several jews that i don't "look jewish. I was not aware very aware of jewish background at all. It was never discussed. My mother's father had to hide the fact that he was jewish to keep his job. (He was a golf pro). My grandmother married him at 17-18, In 1920 ish he was 20+ years her senior. He died at 54 likely from complications of being gassed in France WWI (US Army Signal Corp) I have his bausch and Laumb US Army Signal corp binocs and nothing else. He was supposedly a Prussian military officer prior to emigrating (Classic Ellis Island scenario according to family lore, they didnt like his difficult to spell joo name and shortened it to 4 letters commonly associated with jewish names… Anyway, by weird coinckidink, I ended up attending UCSD (University of CA, Star of David) The school is typically 60+% jewish… I randomly picked an ad for off campus housing and ended up living with 4 other guys, 3 of whom were jewish and members of a jewish fraternity (UCSD has no fraternity row so frat houses are scattered about all the way down to pacific beach) Anyway, I would have joined the frat, but they required a 3.85 GPA which I had a hard time of achieving in a small school populated with the apex of high achievers graded on a curve… Anyway, this long winded diatribe is to say thatI dont hate jews, but I do know why the goyim do. They (we if I may) are smarter than any other "race". They stick together 100%. They make decisions based 100% on race and the furtherance thereof. They do make fun of goys intelliegence levels behind their backs. There is nothing really inherently wrong with all this save the fact that inevitably, Jews through deceipt, guile, contempt and corruption end up controlling and abusing their host population. Then it breeds contempt. hatred and inevitable expulsion (at least thats the pattern so far)
BTW 99.99% of jews will not even consider dating outside their race, but that's not racist. It's only racist if you're a "white" that eschews turd world miscegnation