Thank you Q stay safe and God speed
The truth will send most of (you) to the hospital
MSM demonizes Hitler 24/7
Do you trust MSM?
Flat Earth is bullshit
Dennis Wise has uncovered the truth about WW2
But you are too weak and too jaded to admit you have been supporting Satan your entire life
Were they Nazis? Why did MOSSAD catch some and let others go?
We know MOSSAD works with the CIA
How do youknow they werent killed?
Thats because you are not here for Truth or Justice
You want your sacred cows protected
You are evil…one law for all people…no one gets a free pass
Can you prove he was a Nazi and worked for Hitler?
Or is that just what you have been told your whole life?
Anyone can put on a Uniform
Is every pedophile operating in America the fault of POTUS?
Think logically
They hate Christians, they hate Jesus and hey hate Hitler.
Why did we leave most of Europe to suffer under Stalin the Jewish communist after WW2?
Why did we let the Chinese become communist after the war after we promised Chang Kai Shek to help him return to power?
Think about it