There is no community filter - this is an open forum period
See something you do not like then filter it for yourself
It is automatically assumed that you are old enough to be here
And wise enough to handle your own affairs
There is no community filter - this is an open forum period
See something you do not like then filter it for yourself
It is automatically assumed that you are old enough to be here
And wise enough to handle your own affairs
Night fags only get that way while you are online
When you are gone night shift parties like Hell
Let me help you
There is nothing to research
The shit Tucker is throwing out is for the masses
And has no value on this platform
Besides it is mostly false and old news mixed info
As always all the juicy stuff on the Elites is carefully guarded and never released
When something worthy of posting comes up
Have no fear, it will more than likely be here
So sit and wait and be happy knowing that or
You can trot your happy ass on back to Faux News