Wait, Guccifer is Hussein?
Get some!
June 7th, 2016 Guccifer was deposed by the FBI.
(Guccifer - "Lucifer". Cypher substitute?)
These statements were made on June 7th, 2016
https:// archive.fo/YP4qC
Playing with the cypher substitute idea I get:
Barack Hussein Obama
Guccifer is
G =7
C=3 (Extra)
Hussein has been called "Lucifer"
L = 12
Email aliases with variation on these numbers possible?
Guccifer has an extra "C"
G=7 C=3
Combined for 10.
Lucifer is L
Ccombined, 12 = 3
Combined to 13 if you subtract, and Satanists do.
[H]ussein is 8
8 is equal distance
Any other autists? I'm getting the tickle but I can't quite complete it.
BHO emails are in an email from June 28th - subject named: "Congratulations".
Wikileaks only covers from June 30th.
Missing emails have been ordered released.
https:// bluntforcetruth.com/news/exclusive-hillarys-deleted-emails-have-been-found-court-orders-them-released/
"FYI – the datto docs are on disk 5. State is processing disks 5 and 7 now. All Datto docs should be released/produced by Sept 28"
Q? Keep going with sweetmickey69?