Anonymous ID: a116ce Oct. 28, 2020, 6:19 p.m. No.11331959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1982 >>1985 >>2011 >>2090 >>2161 >>2334


Real talk.

Anime baker and comms baker are the same thing?

Does not take anon feedback

Does not give up bake unless part of their crew

Creates problems that do not need to exist whos only solution is authentication

Actively elevates themselves above anons

Rules do not apply to them

Size of support crew seems to be about the same.



Anonymous ID: a116ce Oct. 28, 2020, 6:34 p.m. No.11332334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons 2 cents:

Best solution anon has seen is not to split bread but to bake next one as soon as baker fuckery. Migration takes care of the rest. Kinder to anons clocking on. Rich source of pepe theft when breads need quick filling