Anonymous ID: a97276 Oct. 28, 2020, 6:28 p.m. No.11332172   🗄️.is 🔗kun


See how upset the Jew shills are when there is a based baker who posts the Long-overdue dissemination of Truth about the Jewish/Israeli/MOSSAD Infiltration, Corruption and Subversion of American.


OMG, ve cannot let MOAR dumb Goyim KNOW!!!

OY VEY! Ve must get rid of any baker who does not Cower before da Jews!

Anonymous ID: a97276 Oct. 28, 2020, 6:36 p.m. No.11332400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2438

Reasons Why The Jews Have Been Expelled From 132 Countries That They Have Migrated To -1,030 Times!


*Thanks to the research anon who provided the Sauce material for these interdasting little-known facts.


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1288 A.D. - Naples, Italy - Jews Expelled (


1288-1289 A.D. - Bavaria, Germany - Jews Expelled after Pogroms (James F. Harris, 'ThePeople Speak: Anti-Semitism and Emancipation in 19th Century Bavaria', p. 13)


1289 A.D. - Anjou, France - Jews Expelled by King Charles of Anjou

(R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews,1095-1291')

1289 A.D. - Maine, France - Jews Expelled by King Charles of Anjou (R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews,1095-1291')


1290 A.D. - England - Jews Expelled by King Edward I

Robin R. Mundill, 'England's JewishProblem: Experiment and Expulsion, 1262-1290', p. 1)


1290 A.D. - Naples, Italy - Jews Expelled/Forced Conversion (C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 118)


1290-1292 A.D. Apulia, Italy (and other towns) Jews Expelled/Conversion;Ritual Murder of Christian child

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 100)


1291 A.D. - Niort, France - Jews Expelled (R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews, 1095-1291')


1291 A.D. - Paris, France - Jews Expelled to protect them from Christians wanting to kill Jews for already killing Christians

(P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, 'Anti-Semitism: Causes and Effects')


1292 A.D. - Italy - Jews Expelled/Forced to Convert (P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, 'AntiSemitism:Causes and Effects')


1293-1294 A.D. - Berne, Switzerland - Jews Expelled for Ritual Murder



1294 A.D. - Nevers, France - Jews Expelled (R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews, 1095-1291)


1298 A.D. - Rindfleisch, Germany - Jews Expelled after rebellion occurs after Ritual Murder charges

(Bell and Burnett, 'Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation In Sixteenth CenturyGermany', p. 34)


1306 A.D. - France - Jews Expelled by King Philip IV

(William C. Jordan, 'The FrenchMonarchy and the Jews: From Philip Augustus to the Last Capetians', p. 31; Bell and Burnett,' Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 33)


1310 A.D. - Provence, France - Jew's Expulsion requests from ecclesiastics denied by King Robert due to Jewish bribe. (


1310 A.D. - Gerace, Italy - Jews Expelled after pogrom (

C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 271)


1319 A.D. - Breslau, Germany - Jews Expelled (


1320 A.D. - Milan, Italy - Jews Expelled by The Podesta (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 127, 142)


1320 A.D. - The Papal States, Italy - Jews Expelled by Queen ==Sancia but soon readmitted due to bribe

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 142)


1321 A.D. - France - Jews Expelled by King Charles IV

(R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews, 1095-1291)


1321 A.D. - Small Town in France - Jews Expelled by King Phillip V for Ritual Murder of Christian child

(Joshua Johnson, 'The Evil Bible')


1322 A.D. - Small Towns in France - Jews Expelled (again) (William C. Jordan, 'The FrenchMonarchy and the Jews: From Philip Augustus to the Last Capetians', p. 32; Bell and Burnett,' Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 33)

1325 A.D. - Brindisi, Italy - Jews Expelled/forced into baptism (C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 271)

1326 A.D. - Pressburg, Germany - Jews Expelled at city council's request(http.//


1327 A.D. - Iglasias, Italy - Jews Expelled due to Medical/Financial Malpractice

C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 263)

